Wednesday 30 December 2015

EFL Writing Class_15-16 (Session 3) Final Test


Course     : Writing II (Class C)

(Due Date: 7 January 2016)


You are going to write a definition paragraph of your own topic. The strange words you are going to define can be foods, dish, dance, or custom in areas of Central Kalimantan. It is strongly recommended  to define the special dish, dance or custom in areas of Central Kalimantan. To write your definiton paragraph, you should follow the steps bellow (USING BLOGGING ACTIVITIES):

STEP 1: Do brainstorming using questioning, for example: 
1. What is ‘Haulan’? Give examples. 

2. How familiar of ‘Haulan' is for people in Palangkaraya? 
3. Write a definition in your own words for ‘Haulan’. (write a sentence using adjective clause) 
4. Why do you think ‘Haulan' is so popular? 
5. …………………….?
STEP 2: Make an outline of your definition paragraph you are going to write.
STEP 3:  Write a first draft of the definition paragraph based on your outline. Do not forget to write strange words under the paragraph. (Upload your first draft on your own website).

You are going to revise and edit your first draft of the definition paragraph. To revise and edit your draft, you are better to follow the steps bellow (USING BLOGGING ACTIVITIES). The steps are to continue the prior steps:

STEP 4: Revising and editing the drafts activities, please
1. Visit web address of the teacher my website
2. Finding feature of EFL WRITING CLASS_15-16 (Session 3) final test
3. Following the next instruction (Instruction #2).

4. Opening Website Address of your peers of your own group. (Gather with your own group bellow).
     GROUP 1: Wilis, Rajudin, Rima, Mei, and Taufik
     GROUP 2: Hasti, Ein, Nurul, Lina, and Sarfani
     GROUP 3: Munawaroh, Latifah, Heni, and Indah
     GROUP 4: Anisa, Wahyu, Mirna, and Maria
     GROUP 5: Soraya, Rizal, Syarifudin, and Sagita
 5. Giving comments/suggestions on your peer’s work on the comment box on your peers' website. When you comment on your peers' works, you should follow The Guideline for Peer Feedback using Blogging Activities 
STEP 5: Revise and edit the draft of your definition paragraph. When you revise and edit your work, you should pay attention on the comments/suggestions/feedbacks given by your peers on the comment boxes on your website.

STEP 6: Write the revised version or final product of your definition paragraph, and post it into your website.

STEP 7: Print out your revised version or final product (the posted work on your website) to be submitted and discussed before the class. 


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